The Art of Listening


Based on the model developed by Avi Butavia


This course is aimed at assisting people interested in leadership roles to gain insightful communication skills to foster their goals.

Elements of the course are based in co-counseling theory

Basic concepts, methods and intervention skills are taught in twelve classes of three hours each (can be arranged differently). Co-counseling sessions are required outside the class on a weekly basis.


Outline of content:

         The practice of "free attention".

         A method of working through feelings rather than repressing them.

         A toolkit of counselor skills of attention, observation and interventions.

         To liberate creativity and energy, to be open to new possibilities.

         To give and receive support and nurturance.

         To contradict everyday oppressions.

Every course is different, as the participants bring their unique mix of present awareness, needs, skills and creativity. Every course does, however, give a similar grounding in the methods which enable any person trained to work with another.

Facilitated by Avi Butavia and Janice Wasser

Avi Butavia is a certificated mediator. He has been teaching and developing theory for co-counseling since the mid 1970's. He is the author of several books on the subject including: The Complexity of Feelings, The Influence of Emotions on the Decision-Making Process, Raising Ben, Sources of Violence, Fear, Boredom.

Mr. Butavia is currently teaching courses sponsored by the National Prison Services and facilitating groups of Ethiopian youth as well as other youth at risk in boarding schools in Israel. He is serving as an advisor on the board of directors for a high tech firm since 2001 and sees clients privately.


Janice Wasser is a senior researcher for Ministry of Health since 1990. She has been active in the co-counseling community for 10 years – serving on the administrative council for her 4th term. She has developed ties with the international co-counseling community and has represented Israel at five conferences in different countries since 2005.
